Many of these titles are available online and are linked below. If you would like to see the actual book, please stop at the Reference desk and a Reference librarian can assist you.
Battery A March and One Step for Piano, Elizabeth Johnson Baldwin (dedicated to Branford Battery A).
Catalogue of Connecticut Volunteer Organizations, with additional enlistments and casualties to July 1, 1864 compiled from records in the Adjutant-General’s Office, Press of Case, Lockwood and Company, 1864. Full text online
A Complete Roster of Colonel David Waterbury Jr.’s Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers, A.H. Clark, 1897. Full text online
Connecticut Civil War Centennial, contains 6 pamphlets: Manual for its Observance in the Towns and Cities of the State of Connecticut; So the War Came; Major General John Sedgwick, U.S. Volunteers (1813-64); Connecticut Military and Naval Leaders in the Civil War; Connecticut Physicians in the Civil War; Major General Joseph R. Hawley Soldier and Editor (1826-1905), Civil War Military Letters, General William T. Sherman’s Letter Concerning the ‘Responsibility’ of the Decision of the March to the Sea.
Connecticut Fights: The Story of the 102nd Regiment, Captain Daniel W. Strickland, Quinnipiack Press, 1930. Full text online
The Connecticut Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (membership roll to February 22, 1913), Case, Lockwood and Brainerd Co. Full text online
Connecticut State History of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Connecticut Daughters of the American Revolution, 1929.
Connecticut’s Activities in the Wars of This Country: A Summary, compiled by Irene H. Mix, GPO, 1932.
Dedication of the Monument at Andersonville, Georgia, October 23, 1907 in Memory of the Men of Connecticut who Suffered in Southern Military Prisons 1861-1865, Published by the State of Connecticut, 1908. Full text online
The Fifth Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers: A History Compiled from Diaries and Official Reports, Edwin E. Marvin, Wiley, Waterman & Eaton, 1889. Full text online
Flying Yankees: A History of the First Fifty Years of the Connecticut Air National Guard, Carl D. Jenson and Edward W. Burton, 1973.
Historical and Pictorial Review, National Guard, Naval Militia and Governor’s Guard of the State of Connecticut, 1939.
Historical Collection, from Official Records, Files, etc. of the Part Sustained by Connecticut during the War of the Revolution, Royal R. Hinman, printed by E. Gleason, 1842. Full text online
History of Battle Flag Day, September 17, 1879, Lockwood & Merritt, 1879. Full text online
History of Maritime Connecticut during the American Revolution 1775-1783, Louis F. Middlebrook, The Essex Institute, 1925.
History of the First Connecticut Artillery and of the Siege Trains of the Armies Operating Against Richmond 1862-1865, Press of the Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, 1893. Full text online
History of the First Light Battery, Connecticut Volunteers, 1861-1865, Herbert W. Beecher, A.T. De La Mare Printing and Publishing Co., 2 volumes. Full text online
History of the Ninth Regiment, Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, “The Irish Regiment” in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865, Thomas Hamilton Murray, The Price, Lee & Adkins Co., 1903. Full text online
History of the Second Connecticut Volunteer Heavy Artillery Originally the Nineteenth Connecticut Vols., Theodore F. Vaill, Winsted Printing Company, 1868. Full text online
History of the Seventh Connecticut Volunteer, Hawley’s Brigade, Terry’s Division, Tenth Army Corps 1861-1865, Stephen Walkley. Full text online
History of the 13th Infantry Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers during the Great Rebellion, Homer B. Sprague, Case, Lockwood & Co., 1867. Full text online
Known Military Dead During the American Revolutionary War 1775-1783 by Clarence Peterson, Clearfield Company, 1967.
The History of the Building and Report of the Celebration at Lebanon, Conn., Flag Day, June 15, 1891: In Commemoration of the War Office and of the Adoption of Our National Flag, Press of the Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, 1891. Full text online
History of the Eighteenth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers in the War for the Union, Chaplain Wm. C. Walker, 1885. Full text online
History of the Fifteenth Connecticut Volunteers in the War for the Defense of the Union, 1861-1865, Sheldon B. Thorpe, The Price, Lee & Adkins Co., 1893. Full text online
History of the Fourteenth Regiment, Connecticut Vol. Infantry, Charles D. Page, The Horton Printing Company, 1906. Full text online
History of the Pequot War and Battle of Stonington, George W. Lewis, Press of City Steam Printing Co., 1893. Full text online
History of the Sixteenth Connecticut Volunteers, B.F. Blakeslee, The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co., 1875. Full text online
The Log of the Bon Homme Richard, with an introduction by Louis F. Middlebrook, Marine Historical Association, 1936.
The Military and Civil History of Connecticut during the War of 1861-65, W.A. Croffut and John M. Morris, published by Ledyard Bill, 1868. Full text online
The Old Sixth Regiment, its War Record 1861-5, Charles K. Cadwell, Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, 1875. Full text online
Personnel of the Civil War, Volume II, The Union Armies, Thomas Yoseloff, 1961.
Record of Service of Connecticut Men in the Army and Navy of the United States During the War of the Rebellion, Press of the Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, 1889. Full text online
Record of Service of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, War of 1812, Mexican War, Hartford, 1889. Full text online
Record of Service of Connecticut Men of the Army, Navy and Marine Corps of the United States in the Spanish-American War, Philippine Insurrection and China Relief Expedition, Press of the Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, 1919. Full text online
Relation of the Pequot Warres written in 1660 by Lieutenant Lion Gardener, Press of the Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, 1901. Full text online
Roll and Journal of Connecticut Service in Queen Anne’s War 1710-1711, The Tuttle, Morehouse & Tuttle Press, 1916. Full text online
Second Company Governor’s Foot Guard: Souvenir History 1775-1965, Harris E. Starr and James M. Quinn, Wm. J. Mack, 1950.
Service Records, Connecticut Men and Women in the Armed Forces of the United States During World War 1917-1920, Office of the Adjutant General, State Armory, Hartford, CT, 3 volumes. Full text online – Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3
Songs of the Revolution: A Paper Read Before the General David Humphreys Branch of the Connecticut Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, Samuel E. Barney, 1893. Full text online
Souvenir of Excursion to Battlefields by the Society of the Fourteenth Connecticut Regiment and Reunion at Antietam, September 1891, Chaplain H.S. Stevens, Gibson Brothers, 1893. Full text online
Stonington Battle Centennial, Palmer Press, 1915. Full text online
The Twentieth Connecticut: A Regimental History, John W. Storrs, Press of the Naugatuck Valley Sentinel, 1886. Full text online
The Twenty-Fifth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers in the War of the Rebellion, Press of the Rockville Journal, 1913. Full text online
Twenty-Sixth Regiment: Connecticut Volunteers, Frank Utley Print, Norwich, 1888.
The Twenty-Seventh: A Regimental History, Winthrop D. Sheldon, Morris & Benham, 1866. Full text online
Two Hundred Years: The Second Company Governor’s Foot Guard 1775-1975, William J. Prendergast, The New Era Printing Co.
War History of the 102nd Regiment, U.S. Infantry, Ratliffe M. Hills, 1924.