Awakening to Change: A Social Justice Discussion Group

Thursday, April 21

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Awakening to Change is designed to help unify our community by developing a shared understanding of the history, policy, and experiences shaping contemporary discussions of race. We tackle a new topic each month, sometimes reading books, discussing films, or learning from articles. All are welcome to join! This meeting’s topic is Equality in the Educational System.

The phrase “achievement gap” is one of the most commonly used expressions in the educational research and policy world. This phrase serves as shorthand for the widespread and persistent disparities in standardized test scores between Black, Latinx, and Indigenous students and their Asian and white peers. But questions about the “achievement gap” have become more prominent in recent years, with educators, researchers, parents, and students alike challenging this narrative for implying that it is students of color and their families who are failing, rather than schools and school systems failing them. Explore the racial inequities in the public school system related to resources, discipline, and academic achievement from a systemic perspective, focusing on how institutional racism is woven into the U.S. public school system in ways that limit the opportunities and choices of BIYOC.

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