Advanced Search (Items only)
Tags: Mill Plain School, Schools
Tags: Canoe Brook School, Schools
Tags: Laurel Street School, Schools
Tags: James Blackstone, James Blackstone Memorial Library, Libraries
Tags: A.M. Young, Crescent Bluff Avenue, Pine Orchard, Pine Orchard Yacht & Country Club, Shepardson Family, The Anchorage, Young Family, Young's Park
Tags: Baldwin Family, Boats, Branford Point, Branford River, Branford Yacht Club, Goodsell Point, Johnson Family, Pine Orchard Yacht & Country Club, Yachts
Tags: Blizzards, Ice Harvesting, Weather
Tags: Blizzards, Weather
Tags: Beers Family, Bungalow Court, Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Short Beach, The Barracks, The Bungalow
Tags: Blizzards, Salt Storm, Tornadoes, Weather
Tags: A.M. Young, Branford Electric Company, Branford Light and Water Company, East Main Street, Mill Plain, Queach Brook
Tags: Main Street (Short Beach), Shore Drive, Short Beach Waiting Station, Taylor Place, Trolleys, William Knowles
Tags: Beach Family, Mill Plain, National Register of Historic Places, Palmer Family, Tyler Family
Tags: Accidents, Montowese Street Bridge, Trains
Tags: Branford Green, Jail
Tags: Branford Brass Band, Branford Military Band, Calvin L. Ely, Civil War, Congregational Church, Seaside Hall, Stony Creek Fife & Drum Corps
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